Turkey and India’s policies towards battery imports and domestic production, astonishment at China’s 2023 deployment figures and sifting through some ‘bragawatt-hour’ claims in this week’s Friday Briefing.
As India’s Union government prepares the fiscal year 2024-2025 budget for its unveiling, trade group India Energy Storage Alliance (IESA) has offered some recommendations to support the technology.
Aimed at ensuring reliability of electricity supply in the era of renewable energy, India’s Central Electricity Regulatory Commission has drafted ancillary services market regulations allowing for energy storage and demand response resources to participate.
The India Energy Storage Alliance (IESA) has welcomed provisions in finance minister Nirmala Sitharam’s Union Budget 2020-2021 to support renewables and prioritise climate change policy, although the group hopes more will be done to support in-country manufacturing of batteries for applications including ESS.
Recommendations made to the government of India as it prepares to publish its union budget for 2020 from industry group India Energy Storage Alliance (IESA) include measures to support both the upstream of industry and the downstream of clean energy deployment.
The India Energy Storage Alliance (IESA) has published its fifth edition of its India Stationary Energy Storage market report, which predicts that the market for energy storage in India will grow at a CAGR of 6.1% by 2026.