Grid Scale

June 2, 2016

Another period of growth in US energy storage was enjoyed in the first quarter of 2016, up by 127% year-over-year compared to the equivalent period in 2015, GTM Research has found.

June 1, 2016

The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) has issued a landmark resolution that requires a major utility to procure energy storage capacity as quickly as possible.

June 1, 2016

The rapid march of energy storage batteries into the energy system is one element of a wider market transformation that is “terrifying some players as much as it is thrilling others,” according to the new chair of the Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) Martijn Wilder.

May 31, 2016

A bill introduced in Congress last week that could apply an energy investment credit for storage systems in the US, has been welcomed by the US Energy Storage Association (ESA).

May 30, 2016

Energy storage provider Schmid Energy Systems has signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with vanadium supplier VanadiumCorp Resource to jointly work on mineral extraction and developing vanadium electrolyte.

May 27, 2016

Anthony Price of consultancy Swanbarton previews the International Flow Battery Forum in Germany with a quick primer on the technology, its uses and some of the players attending the event.

May 27, 2016

The signing of a contract to deploy batteries for dynamic frequency response in Britain is an indication that grid operators and the renewables industry can work together to benefit energy users, developer RES has said.

May 24, 2016

While seeming “tech breakthroughs” garner a great deal of media attention, the three key factors in determining the likely impact of storage tech companies are innovative technology, scalability and a proven track record, a Bloomberg New Energy Finance analyst has said.

May 19, 2016

Major new storage trial in Australia, ViZn announces new advisory board members, CEFC announces new funding for low carbon tech.

May 19, 2016

Power firm AES India recently agreed to build the first large-scale battery-based energy storage project in India, working with consumer electronics and energy storage firm Panasonic India. Manish Kumar, managing director, energy storage, AES Corporation spoke to Energy-Storage.News to explain the potential of the Indian market and how the project will progress.

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