Gotion High Tech has continued its push into Japan’s battery storage market, forming a partnership with investor Daiwa and renewable energy engineering and O&M firm CO2OS.
Developer Gurin Energy is so convinced of Japan’s energy storage market potential that it is planning a single project equivalent to the country’s entire installed base of lithium-ion battery storage.
The nascent grid-scale energy storage market in Japan now has its first-ever dedicated investment fund, and it will be jointly managed by Gore Street Capital, which launched one of the UK’s.
Sumitomo Electric will supply an 8-hour duration vanadium redox flow battery (VRFB) to a recently-established municipal power company in Niigata, Japan.
Australia’s ‘peak national body’ representing transmission and distribution organisations in both electricity and gas, Energy Networks Australia (ENA), has pushed for a more consistent approach to grid connections of solar PV and battery storage by issuing a set of guidelines.
One of Australia’s energy market regulators has put out a lengthy document detailing the potential impact of introducing five minute settlement into the electricity spot market, which would likely favour flexible resources such as energy storage.