SCE is seeking expedited approval from the California Public Utilities Commission for offtake agreements associated with Copia Power’s Centennial Flats facility in La Paz County, Arizona.
Investor-owned utility (IOU) Southern California Edison (SCE) is seeking regulatory approval of resource adequacy (RA) contracts covering 620MW of BESS capacity across three projects.
Aypa Power has negotiated two resource adequacy agreements with Pacific Gas & Electric covering 500MW/2,000MWh of energy storage from two standalone BESS projects in the Californian cities of Industry and Irwindale.
The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) has authorised a new centralised strategy for procuring long-lead-time resources, including long-duration energy storage (LDES).
The CPUC has proposed the procurement of over 10GW of new energy resources, including 1GW of multi-day long-duration energy storage (LDES) and another 1GW of 12-hour-plus LDES.
A ‘first of its kind’ microgrid will be installed at a California substation, where it will use a combination of lithium-ion batteries and green hydrogen to provide 48 hours of back up.
NextEra’s eight-hour energy storage project in California will use lithium-ion technology, but ‘battery chemistry did not play a major role in project evaluation’, offtaker Clean Power Alliance told