In a big week for the grid-scale energy storage market in Italy, regulators have approved new grid storage-specific auction rules and a chunk of Aura Power’s 500MW-plus pipeline of BESS projects.
The success in a recent capacity market auction of large-scale battery energy storage system (BESS) projects in Belgium is a sign of the European country’s energy storage market maturing, has heard.
A tender has been opened for a large-scale solar-plus-storage project in Togo, West Africa, by the developer of a mixed use industrial park which has issued a call for expressions of interest (EOI).
Vertically-integrated solar PV company Canadian Solar has been awarded a 45MW / 45MWh battery storage project by Colombia’s Ministry of Energy and Mines.
Local subsidiaries of international energy companies Engie and Canadian Solar have been among the bidders in a tender for battery storage systems in Colombia.