A panel of leading developers, technology and service providers and the finance community discuss the economic opportunities — and challenges — of deploying and operating front-of-the-meter battery storage in the US.
Decarbonising the grid is becoming big business and as renewable energy grows and fossil fuels decline, battery storage is a key technology within that opportunity. However, while solar and wind are mature technologies, the battery storage industry is still at an earlier stage in its learning curve, making this panel discussion from this year’s Energy Storage Summit USA essential viewing for anyone interested in the key takeaways from key stakeholders.
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Moderated by Reid Capalino, senior VP for business development at prolific renewables and energy storage project developer LS Power, the session features representatives from asset manager Goldman Sachs Renewable Power, software platform provider Energy Toolbase, battery project developer esVolta, insurance specialist Munich Re and end-to-end technology provider Honeywell Process Solutions.
Moderator: Reid Capalino, senior VP for business development at LS Power
Panellists: Jacob Steubing, VP, Goldman Sachs Renewable Power
Enrico Ladendorf, VP of technology and product operations at Energy Toolbase
Achim Lehmann, senior underwriter for energy storage systems at Munich Re
Randolph Mann, president, esVolta
Eren Ergin, general manager for renewables and distributed assets at Honeywell Process Solutions
Session presenter / producer: Lucy Jacobson-Durham, Solar Media Events
Cover image: LS Power's 250MW / 250MWh Gateway energy storage project in California. Image: LS Power.
Energy Storage Summit is returning for the 7th year on 22-23 February 2022 in a live format! It will continue to foster and accelerate investment and deployment of energy storage globally. Through informative panel sessions and case studies from leading industry figures, networking roundtables and private workshop sessions. We will also see the return of the exhibition hall where you can explore the innovative solutions and products available within the industry and exchange business ideas.
There are digital tickets also available, book your Super Early Bird ticket today. These are limited before the price increases.