Andy Colthorpe takes soundings from key energy storage market players on their predictions for the industry in 2024, following a year of significant progress in 2023.
Following wins at the Energy Storage Awards 2023, Dr Ben Irons of Habitat Energy and Andrew Gilligan of Fluence take part in our end of year Q&A series.
Winner of the Outstanding Contribution at the Energy Storage Awards 2023, Alex O’Cinneide, founder and CEO of Gore Street Capital takes part in our end of year Q&A series.
UK battery storage investor Harmony Energy Income Trust (HEIT) has energised two grid-scale battery energy storage system (BESS) assets, including one of the same size as its flagship ‘largest BESS project in Europe’.
Iron-air battery firm Form Energy has received a US$12 million grant from the state of New York for a 1GWh long-duration energy storage project, whilst Ecolectro Inc, PolyJoule Inc and Urban Electric Power received smaller amounts.