Industrial battery storage systems can lower electricity costs for the facilities they are installed at, but could also help manage the cost of power for all consumers.
The success in a recent capacity market auction of large-scale battery energy storage system (BESS) projects in Belgium is a sign of the European country’s energy storage market maturing, has heard.
Long-duration energy storage has a crucial role to play in decarbonising the global energy system sufficiently to avoid catastrophic climate change as long as its value can be unlocked.
A “once-in-a-generation” commitment to invest in the US’ national infrastructure includes financial support for energy storage supply chains and renewable energy deployment, but not the investment tax credit for standalone energy storage.
The electricity system operator (ESO) arm of National Grid in the UK has outlined four different pathways for the future of energy in the country in its Future Energy Scenarios 2021 document, detailing the transformation of the energy mix and flexibility, the residential sector and the transport sector.
Battery storage is flexible, remarkable — and investable — but you need to know what you’re doing and know where the market opportunities and limits lie. Renewable and clean energy financier Laurent Segalen from Megawatt-X explains some of the things he’s seen as batteries have become an infrastructure asset in their own right.
Energy storage can make a “positive contribution everywhere” in Southeast Asia, but the industry needs to be proactive in helping market regulators to understand the best ways to facilitate its role in their energy systems.