RedT shows off vanadium stack with augmented reality app


As an interactive way to introduce its third generation of stacks, London Stock Exchange-listed vanadium redox flow storage maker RedT debuted its augmented reality app at Intersolar Europe/ees Europe this year.

At the push of a smartphone touchscreen, a vanadium redox flow energy storage machine appears in 3D. CEO Scott McGregor was on hand to talk us through the app and the stack it shows. McGregor, always a candidly outspoken interviewee and a participant in this year’s roundtable video panel discussion, talks about why cheap PV is ‘cashflow’, why he thinks business model development in the industry has been ‘lazy’ and what an energy storage system needs to do to make money for the customer.

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Vanadium-lithium energy storage projects in hybrid configurations are at their early stages and McGregor also talks us through RedT’s first 1MWh hybrid installation, what it can do and what the economic and technological benefits of combining the energy properties of flow battery machines with the power capabilities of lithium batteries.

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