Global decarbonisation targets are impossible without increasing the pace of long-duration energy storage (LDES) adoption 50 times over by 2040, according to the LDES Council.
Invinity Energy Systems, a technology company that develops vanadium redox flow batteries (VRFB), plans to expand its manufacturing footprint in Scotland, UK.
The government of Alberta, Canada, has selected advanced and clean energy projects to receive CA$33.7 million (US$24.83 million) in grant funding, including a hydroelectric-plus-supercapacitor technology pilot.
What is thought to be the largest vanadium redox flow battery (VRFB) at a solar farm in Europe has been switched on by Enel Green Power in Mallorca, Spain.
This Friday Briefing looks at the IEA’s recognition that long-duration energy storage will be essential to global decarbonisation and asks what it might take for that message to translate into immediate action.
Enfinite has brought online two more battery assets in a nine-project portfolio in Alberta, Canada, while Elemental Energy has commenced operation of a large-scale vanadium flow battery system.
Invinity Energy Systems will deploy a partially grant-funded 7MW/30MWh vanadium redox flow battery (VRFB) system in the UK as the company scales up its project sizes.