Transforming today’s energy grid: Greensmith Energy’s three-point plan


SPONSORED: Electric grids are evolving rapidly, disrupted by deregulation, distributed energy resources, renewable portfolio standards, smart grid technologies, and more. Energy storage is uniquely positioned at the heart of all of this change. Unlike any other asset on the grid, energy storage can play multiple roles, acting as both load and capacity depending on whether it is absorbing excess generation or feeding back into the grid. Add to that its ability to react near-instantly, and energy storage can help utilities and customers smooth the integration of new assets, enabling the grid to emerge more stable and responsive.

This white paper will explore three critical skills for rapid and successful deployment of turnkey energy storage systems and implementation:

  1. Expertise in designing a system of systems
  2. Experience in integrating a flexible software platform
  3. Excellence in managing the supply chain

With all three skills in place, an energy storage vendor can not only tailor the best solution for a customer’s need today and in the future, but also deploy energy storage rapidly.

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