
Inverter Manufacturers gear up for the new PV era

Meet the world’s largest dedicated solar inverter company as it bears the fruits of its R&D origins. In this special collaboration between PV Tech and Sungrow, we’ll investigate the company’s roots, its technology, its stable finances and its all-encompassing product line up covering every solar application. We’ll take a deep dive, no pun intended, into what many are calling the third pillar of PV, floating solar. Mark Osborne will assess the market for floating solar and where Sungrow’s place in this emerging sector lies in the wake of its research and development efforts. Together with Sungrow, we’ll also demonstrate the company’s product selection philosophy and meet some of the key customers already putting Sungrow at the heart of their work. We’ll look at how Sungrow is matching the market’s requirements, be it for central or string inverters or even the inclusion of energy storage.

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